It’s been a busy first half of the year with my job change and all the other great things in my life, but I thought I would check in on my progress.
General Genealogy Goals
1. Attend the Ohio Genealogical Conference in Cleveland, Ohio (April 12-14). I decided not to attend this year.
2. Attend the National Family History Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio (May 9-12). Yes, I was able to go! It was a fun experience and I’m still absorbing all that I was able to learn there.
3. Visit the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana and learn about the resources available there. Completed in March with the Geneabloggers.
4. Finish the Advanced Jewish Genealogy Coursework that I began in November. I'm still working on this one. I'm about 75% done and hope to finish this up this month.
5. Take the courses that I won last year through the Family Tree Magazine. Haven't even looked at them.
6. Finish reading the Jewish Genealogy book that I bought last year. I'm about 1/2 through the book. Slow but sure progress.
7. Finish the Methodology Part 1 course through the National Institute for Genealogical Studies. I hope to do this in the fall.
8. Attend the Midwestern Roots Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana (July 20-21). Registered, but not sure if I’ll be able to attend due to work demands.
1. Write at least once a week. I've done well with this. There were even weeks with 2-3 posts!
2. Promote my blog on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Definitely been getting more social media face time. It's been fun!
3. Invite others to write as guests on my blog. Still need to line this up.
1. Continue to meet with the COG's (Central Ohio Geneabloggers). Our next lunch date is scheduled for June 30th.
2. At all conferences make at least one new connection. I did great at this at NGS—made many new connections and strengthened some others.
3. Become active in the Licking County Genealogical Society and volunteer in the library. I've joined the group and volunteered to help with the website. They haven’t contacted me yet though.
Family Interviews
Interview the older generations in my family about their memories growing up. Use pictures to spur stories about relatives that I know little about. Record these interviews to digital audio for later reference and sharing. I have been stalling on this one. Really need to schedule these in the next couple of months.
Specific questions and goals for the family lines that I'd like to examine this year...
1. Find out more about Margaret Maude Nolan Morse McGraw. According to my Great Uncle, she was married once before she met George Frederick Morse. Was Nolan her maiden name or was it her 1st married name? While at the ACPL I was able to work on this question. I still need to pursue some more leads on this and request some marriage records to confirm/ disprove my findings.
2. Who was George Frederick Morse married to before Margaret? My Great Uncle said he was married once before... who was she? No progress on this one yet.
3. What happened to Arthur Morse's daughter Helena Irene? No progress on this one yet.
4. Join the Morse Family Genealogical Society. I joined and wish I could go to their reunion hosted every two years. Maybe next time!?
1. Find out more about Alex/ Ellye Kriger in Belarus. Was he born there or elsewhere? When & where was he buried? No progress on this one yet.
2. Did Myer Krueger have any siblings? According to my grandma there was a sister in Minnesota that married and had several children. When did she come to America? Some progress on this, but still have to confirm that the family I found is actually related to my great grandpa.
3. Where is Sophia/ Zipe Soloman Krueger buried and when did she die? Where was she born? Did she have any siblings besides Sarah Soloman Shon? No progress on this one yet.
1. Did Samuel Hirsch Engel have any siblings? Did his family remain in Slovakia? No progress on this one yet.
2. Did Dora Fleckman Engel have any siblings? Did her family stay in Slovakia? I’ve found her brother and his family, but no other siblings yet.
1. Find out more about my dad's half-brother Kenny and Kenny's mother. Where did they end up & is Kenny still alive? No progress on this one yet.
2. Find out more about Naomi Reynolds Alford's family and whether any more pictures are "out there". No progress on this one yet.
3. Join the Alford Family Association. No progress on this one yet.
1. Find out where in Ireland the Cliffords came from originally. No progress on this one yet.
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